Washington Hyper File

EPF edition

U.S. Department of State

Thursday, 11 September 2003

401 Transcript: State Department Noon Briefing, September 11
(Israel/Palestinians, Libya, Iraq, United Nations, France/Germany, Mideast, Sweden, Peru, North Korea, Vienna) (6580)

402 Transcript: Powell Leads State Department Ceremony to Remember 9/11 Victims
(Asks colleagues to also remember Sweden's foreign minister) (1390)

403 Malaysian 9-11 Victim's Spirit Lives On Through Exchange Program
(Parents fund Fulbright exchange fellowship) (810)

404 Fulbright-Vijayashanker Memorial Exchange Fellowship Inaugurated
(Student Exchange Honors 9/11 Victim) (580)

405 U.S. Remembers Victims of September 11th Terror Attacks
(Special commemorative ceremonies held across nation) (1280)

406 Byliner: U.S. Building "Many New Layers of Defense," Ridge Says
(U.S. secretary of homeland security on post-9/11 measures) (680)

407 Transcript: Rumsfeld Says Coalition Forces Paving the Way for a New Iraq
(Patience required but progress being made, defense secretary says) (9000)

408 Tea and Amnesty Recover Thousands of Antiquities for Iraq
(The New York Times 09/10/03 article by Brian Knowlton) (1130)

409 Dalai Lama Speaks at Cathedral on Peace, Meets with Bush
(Bush supports Dalai Lama's "commitment" to talks with China) (620)

410 House Bill Would Require Treasury Department to Monitor Yuan
(H.R. 3058 pegs tariffs to China's manipulation of its currency rate) (520)

411 Text: Kelly, in Senate Testimony, Highlights U.S.-China Cooperation
(Assistant secretary of state before Senate Foreign Relations panel) (3320)

412 Text: U.S. Condemns Vietnam's Sentencing of Nguyen Van Ly's Family
(State Department September 11 statement) (350)

413 "Trading Women" Filmmaker Shatters Myths about Human Trafficking
(Sees greater worldwide awareness and opportunity for change) (1600)

414 WMD Anti-proliferation Regime to Receive Initial Test
(Military Exercise in Coral Sea Planned for September 13-14) (620)

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