Washington Hyper File

EPF edition

U.S. Department of State

Monday, 2 June 2003

101 Transcript: Bush, China's Hu Jintao Discuss North Korea, SARS, Taiwan
(White House background briefing in Evian-les-Bains June 1) (3980)

102 Transcript: Weapons Proliferation Concerns All, U.S. Official Says
(White House June 1 background briefing en route to Evian-les-Bains) (3720)

103 Text: Bush Expresses Concern Over Detention of Aung San Suu Kyi
(June 2 statement by Bush from Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt) (220)

104 Text: U.S. Condemns Burmese Government's Detention of Suu Kyi
(State Department June 2 statement) (330)

105 Transcript: Wolfowitz Reaffirms U.S. Commitment to Asia-Pacific
(Deputy Defense Secretary's press roundtable in Singapore) (1350)

106 Transcript: Wolfowitz Welcomes Japanese Help in Iraq Reconstruction
(Deputy Defense Secretary discusses Iraq, N. Korea on NHK TV) (1780)

107 Transcript: Wolfowitz Highlights Saddam Hussein's Terrorist Links
(Deputy Secretary of Defense May 31 interview, Singapore) (3630)

108 Transcript: Wolfowitz Hails Australia's Role in War on Terrorism
(Denies U.S. practices unilateralism in May 31 news interview) (2110)

109 Transcript: Saddam's Defeat a Victory Over Terrorism, Wolfowitz Says
(DoD's Deputy Secretary May 31 at Singapore IISS conference) (6020)

110 Text: USTR Zoellick Heads to Thailand to Discuss Asia-Pacific Trade
(May 31 press release on APEC, U.S.-Thai free trade agreement) (550)

111 Text: World Health Organization Ends SARS Travel Warning on Singapore
(Official calls Singapore's response to SARS outbreak "exemplary") (1240)

112 Text: G-8 Leaders Announce Action Plan to Fight Global Terrorism
(Say remnants of Al Qaeda scattered all over the world) (1750)

113 Text: G-8 Works to Block Terrorist Access to Radioactive Materials
(Issues Action Plan June 2 at G-8 Summit in Evian, France) (3280)

114 Text: G-8 Nations Declare Support for WMD Nonproliferation Regime
(North Korea, Iran specifically identified as problem countries) (700)

115 Text: G-8 Partnership Makes Progress In Effort To Prevent Spread of WMD
(Other partners praise Russian actions to implement plan) (2860)

116 Text: G-8 to Take Further Steps to Enhance Transportation Security
(World powers target portable missiles, high-risk containers) (1520)

117 Fact Sheet: President Bush Urges G-8 Cooperation on Development, Trade
(Priorities include development assistance, fight against HIV/AIDS, famine) (810)

118 Text: G-8 Leaders Pledge to Develop Cleaner, Efficient Technologies
(Say technologies would improve public health, reduce pollution) (1460)

119 Text: G-8 Leaders Push for Action on WTO Talks
(Renew commitment to reaching trade liberalization goals "on schedule") (920)

120 Text: G-8 Leaders Call for Enhanced Market Integrity
(Pledge to work toward stronger corporate governance, transparency) (930)

121 Text: G-8 Agrees to Start Talks on New Transparency Agreement
(Government procurement to be part of WTO negotiations) (1430)

122 Text: G-8 Pledges Greater Efforts to Fight HIV/AIDS
(Agrees to strengthened efforts on previous commitments) (1280)

123 Text: G-8 Leaders Call for Redoubling Efforts to Provide Safe Water to Poor
(Summit releases action plan on water and sanitation) (1340)

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