Washington Hyper File

EPF edition

U.S. Department of State

Wednesday, 29 January 2003

301 Transcript: White House Daily Briefing, January 29
(Sharon's electoral victory, Medicare, Powell's presentation to the UNSC next week, a diplomatic window, new intelligence analysis agency, Kennedy proposal, AIDS, Clean Skies initiative) (4960)

302 Transcript: President Bush Delivers State of the Union Address
("The dictator of Iraq is not disarming," president says) (6310)

303 Transcript: Democratic Party's Response to Bush State of the Union Address
(Delivered by Governor Gary Locke of state of Washington) (2210)

304 Transcript: Bush Determined to Disarm Iraq, Says Powell
(Tells Britain's ITN TV Iraq has "short period of time" to comply) (1470)

305 Transcript: Powell to Present Intelligence about Iraqi Weapons to Security Council
(Interview with French television channel January 29) (1380)

306 Transcript: Powell Interview on Iraq with German Television
(Jan. 29, Washington: Discusses upcoming presentation to UNSC) (1170)

307 Bush: Have to Deal with Saddam Hussein "Before It Is Too Late"
(But spokesman says "diplomatic window" still open for consultations) (880)

308 Fact Sheet: Bush to Create Terrorist Threat Integration Center
(White House fact sheet on strengthening U.S. intelligence) (1520)

309 Byliner: Senator Kennedy on the Use of Nuclear Weapons in Iraq
(The Los Angeles Times 01/29/03 op-ed) (780)

310 Congressional Response Varied on Iraq Issues in Bush Address
(Congressional Report, January 29: Iraq/State of the Union) (650)

311 Transcript: Wolfowitz Sees "Enormous Body of Information" on Iraqi Weapons
(Discusses State of the Union address with foreign journalists) (1510)

312 Text: Treasury Nominee John Snow Favors Strong Dollar
(Underlines support for Bush's economic stimulus package) (890)

313 Text: Worldwide Tourism Still Down, U.N. Labor Agency Says
(Political turmoil, slumping economy costing jobs) (1410)

314 Trade Agreement with Singapore Called Model For Future Accords
(Starting point for discussion with others, Ambassador Lavin Says) (270)

315 Excerpt: U.S. Working With Others to End North Korean Nuclear Threat
(Bush says Pyongyang seeks to incite fear, but world will not be blackmailed) (270)

316 Text: U.N. AIDS Program Welcomes Bush AIDS Initiative
(Proposal targets $15,000 million to Africa, Caribbean assistance) (410)

317 Text: Global AIDS Fund Looks Toward "Real Achievements" in 2003
(First operational year sees progress, but not results, director says) (4990)

318 Text: Federal Reserve Leaves Key Interest Rate Unchanged
(Risks for expansion, inflation about balanced, FOMC says) (320)

319 Fact Sheet: U.S. Works in Global Effort to Counter Invasive Species Threats
(State Dept to convene workshop later this year) (620)

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