Washington Hyper File

EPF edition

U.S. Department of State

Friday, September 20, 2002

501 Transcript: White House Daily Briefing, September 20
(President's schedule, Bush/world leader phone calls, proposed U.N. resolution, Pakistani sentenced in CIA killings, Iraq/weapons inspections, Sudan/Washington Times article on Sudanese pilot, homeland security, tax cuts, National Security Strategy, Germany, domestic priorities, Iraq/rationale for regime change, Lackawanna suspects, economic stagnation in Latin America, Japan) (5620)

502 Text: Bush Sends New National Security Strategy to Congress
(U.S. will use pre-emptive strategy against hostile enemies, he says) (2250)

503 Text: Bush Proclaims September 20 National POW/MIA Recognition Day
(These Americans dedicated their lives to protecting freedom) (590)

504 Text: House Democrats Submit Resolution Urging U.S. to Work With UN on Iraq
(H. Con. Res. 473 calls for inspections, mediation, and "peaceful means") (1160)

505 Transcript: Powell Says U.S., Russia, Open to Each Other's Arguments on Iraq
(Remarks after Consultative Group on Strategic Issues meeting) (1350)

506 Excerpt: White House Issues Cyber Security Plan
(Containing threats requires cooperation from all sectors, plan recommends) (3880)

507 Text: Nuclear Power Will Be Important for World's Energy Needs
(Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham's Sept. 20 remarks) (3450)

508 Transcript: Philippines Signs Debt-For-Nature Agreements Sept. 19
($8.2 million goes to preserving tropical forests) (340)

509 Fact Sheet: Philippines Swaps Debt for Tropical Forest Programs
(U.S. Treasury September 19 fact sheet) (550)

510 Lawmakers Say Burma's Military Junta Continues to Commit Abuses
(Urge end to military rule and restoration of democracy) (660)

511 Text: U.S. Seeks Voluntary System on Wine, Spirits Naming Rights
(USTR assails rival EU proposals to WTO on geographical indicators) (1820)

512 Most Believe All U.S. Citizens Entitled to Equal Legal Rights
(Even in case of arrests for alleged terrorism) (720)

513 Text: Ensuring Women����s Rights Strengthens Democracy Globally
(Palmerlee addresses conference in Istanbul) (1360)

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