Washington Hyper File

Department of State

Wednesday, February 9, 2000

301 White House Report, Wednesday, February 9, 2000
(Lebanon, Pakistan, Northern Ireland) (500)

302 Transcript: Albright Says Task is to Renew Democratic Momentum
(She asks for full international affairs funding) (3070)

303 Text: Albright on International Affairs Budget
(She asks for full funding of budget proposal) (11,070)

304 Excerpt: Treasury Secretary Feb. 9 at House Ways and Means Panel
(Summers seeks support for NTR, WTO membership for China) (410)

305 Text: Daley Reviews Budget for Information Technology
(Funds sought to protect information infrastructure) (1540)

306 Text: State Department Feb. 8 on Counterterrorism Working Group
(U.S., India to strengthen cooperation to counter terrorism) (530)

307 Text: State Release on Deputy Secretary's Visit to Japan, China
(Talbott traveling Feb. 14-18 to Japan, China) (190)

308 Text: FCC Chairman Comments on Telecommunications Progress
(Kennard says consumers benefit from lower prices) (3300)

309 Transcript: Clinton Feb. 8 Remarks on Genetic Testing
(Clinton bans genetic discrimination in government) (2350)

310 Text: Clinton Executive Order on Genetic Information
(Cannot be used to discriminate against Federal employees) (1780)

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