Resolving the House into Committee of the Whole
(1). Clause 1(b) of Rule XXIII gives
the Speaker the authority, after adoption of a special rule, to
declare the House resolved into the Committee of the Whole, where
the procedures allow more Members to participate in debate and
offer amendments. This rule is generally repeated in special
rules to underscore that it is not necessary to consider and adopt
a motion that the House resolve into the Committee of the Whole.
The Rules Committee will ordinarily provide for consideration
of bills in the Committee of the Whole where the offering of amendments
is contemplated.
Dispensing with the First Reading (2).
Clause 1 of Rule XXI requires bills and joint resolutions to
be read three times before being passed. The first reading is
routinely waived by special rules to avoid the first reading of
a bill in full before general debate begins.
Relevancy of debate (3).
A special rule will require that general debate in the Committee
of the Whole be confined to the bill, and sometimes to non-germane
amendments protected by the rule. Otherwise, anything relevant
to the "State of the Union" would be relevant during
general debate. However, the rule of relevancy applies when
germane amendments are under consideration.
Reading for amendment (4).
A bill is read for amendment one section at a time (or one paragraph
at a time for appropriations bills) unless a special rule provides
otherwise. A special rule may provide that a bill be read by
broader portions, such as by title, or that it be open for amendment
at any point.
Five Minute Rule (4).
Unless otherwise provided in a special rule, a proponent and
opponent of each amendment may speak for five minutes each, after
which other Members may gain the floor for five minutes apiece
by moving to strike the "last word" or the "requisite
number of words" (pro-forma amendments).
Self-executing provisions.
If specified, the House's adoption of a special rule may also
have the effect of amending the underlying bill (or occasionally
of approving other, unrelated actions, such as adopting a simple
resolution or passing an unrelated conference report).
Perfecting amendments.
These are simply first degree amendments to bills or second degree
amendments to other amendments that do not replace the entire
texts that they amend.
En bloc amendments. With
the exception of appropriations bills (which permit en bloc amendments
that do not increase budget authority or outlays in the bill),
unless a special rule authorizes several amendments to be offered
and considered as a group, a Member seeking to offer amendments
en bloc must obtain unanimous consent if they amend portions of
the bill not yet open to amendment. If not precluded by a special
rule, an amendment to insert or strike may be divided into two
or more parts and voted on separately (demand for a division of
the question) if each part represents a separate stand-alone proposition.
House rules permit separate grammatical and substantive provisions
in an amendment to be divided or separated for voting. Often
if a rule makes in order en bloc amendments as a single proposition,
it will preclude a demand for division of the question to prevent
separate votes.
Amendment in the nature of a substitute as an
original bill for purposes of amendment (5).
A special rule may provide that the committee substitute (or
an alternative negotiated substitute) is considered as an original
bill for purpose of amendment. This is done to permit second
degree amendments to be offered. Otherwise, the substitute would
be considered a first degree amendment, and would only be subject
to further non-amendable amendments.
Priority recognition (7), (8).
Open rules customarily grant the Chair discretion to give priority
recognition to Members who have pre-printed their amendments in
the Congressional Record. The Chair will likely still recognize
a Member of the reporting committee over a non-Member, even if
the former's amendment is not pre-printed. But absent this provision,
the Chair would follow the custom of giving preferential recognition
to Members, based on seniority, who serve on the reporting committee,
alternating between the parties.
Most votes win. This
is a descendent of the King-of-the-Hill procedure (last substitute
to gain a majority vote wins). A special rule may permit Members
to vote on two or more amendments in the nature of a substitute
to the same bill, or parts of the same bill. If more than one
substitute attracts a majority of votes, the Committee of the
Whole reports only the one that receives the largest number of
A special rule may waive specific points of order,
or all points of order (6), against a bill and its consideration,
or against specified amendments, for failure to comply with specified
provisions of House rules. Absent such protection, a bill or
amendment may be blocked from further consideration if a point
of order is raised and sustained by the Chair. The following
were among the more commonly waived rules during the 104th Congress:
Requirements for Committee Reports on Measures
Requirements Involving Committee Procedures
Layover Requirements
Concerning the Substance of Measures
Budget Act Waivers: Common Types
Tax or Tariff Measures
Rise and Report (9).
With the exception of appropriations bills, special rules generally
make this automatic upon completion of the amendment process to
avoid a vote on a motion to rise and report to the House with
amendments adopted in the Committee of the Whole.
Separate votes on amendments
(10). House rules require the House to vote on each amendment
that the Committee of the Whole has approved. But when a special
rule makes in order a committee substitute as an original bill
for purposes of amendment, it provides that separate votes may
be demanded on the substitute and any amendment to the substitute.
Otherwise, the only separate vote allowed under House rules would
be on the substitute.
Ordering the previous question (11).
Special rules automatically impose the previous question on a
measure reported from the Committee of the Whole. This precludes
the offering of intervening debate or motions which could delay
or prevent passage of the bill.
Motion to recommit (12).
House rules prohibit the Rules Committee from reporting a special
rule that denies the minority a motion to recommit, with or without
amendatory instructions. However, special rules that make in
order a committee substitute as an original bill provide explicitly
for such motion to recommit with or without instructions because
the substitute amends the bill in every respect and, like other
amendments, recommittal instructions may not re-amend text that
has already been amended.
Engrossment. The measure
is reprinted in the form in which it is passed by the House.
Lay on the table. A special
rule may permanently dispose of consideration of an alternative
to the measure passed by the House without a direct vote on its
Taking bill from Speaker's table.
To facilitate the resolution of differences with the Senate,
special rules sometimes contain provisions that expedite the convening
of a conference committee or make in order amendments to Senate-passed
bills or Senate amendments to House-passed bills.
Waive Reading of Conference Reports.
Special rules on conference reports sometimes waive reading of
the conference report (and Senate amendments reported in disagreement
on appropriations bills and motions to dispose of them) when it
is called up for consideration. This provision insures expedited
consideration of the conference report. The reading requirement
is automatically met when conference reports are available under
the 3-day layover rule.
Scope Violations. Points
of order will lie against a conference report if the conferees
have gone beyond their authority. Unless these points of order
are waived by a special rule, the entire conference report could
be ruled out of order. Common scope violations include: changing
text that has already been agreed to; including new subject matters;
and going beyond the scope of differences committed to conference.
Nongermane Senate Matter. Special rules may waive House Rule XXVIII, which permits Members to raise a point of order against language in a conference report that originated in the Senate but would have been considered as not germane if offered in the House and thereby obtain a separate vote on rejecting the language.