Living Documents of American History


    Foreword to the First Edition

  1. The Second Continental Congress
    The Declaration of Independence

  2. The Virginia Assembly
    The Virginia Bill of Rights

  3. The Virginia Assembly
    The Virginia Statute of Religious Liberty

  4. The Congress of the Confederation
    The Northwest Ordinance

  5. The Constitutional Convention
    The Constitution of the United States
    -- The Bill of Rights
    -- Amendments to the Constitution

  6. William Cushing
    Opinion in the Case of Quock Walker vs. Nathaniel Jennison

  7. James Madison
    Federalist Paper No.10

  8. George Washington
    Farewell Address

  9. Thomas Jefferson
    First Inaugural Address

  10. James Monroe
    The Monroe Doctrine

  11. Daniel Webster
    Second Reply to Robert Hayne

  12. Andrew Jackson
    Proclamation to the People of South Carolina

  13. Carl Schurz
    Liberty and Equal Rights

  14. Abraham Lincoln
    First Inaugural Address

  15. Abraham Lincoln
    The Emancipation Proclamation

  16. Abraham Lincoln
    The Gettysburg Address

  17. Abraham Lincoln
    Second Inaugural Address

  18. Theodore Roosevelt
    The Conservation of Natural Resources

  19. Woodrow Wilson
    First Inaugural Address

  20. Woodrow Wilson
    The Fourteen Points

  21. Franklin D. Roosevelt
    The Four Freedoms

  22. The Atlantic Charter

  23. Harry Truman
    The Truman Doctrine

  24. Harry Truman
    The Point Four Program

  25. Dwight D. Eisenhower
    Atoms for Peace

  26. Earl Warren
    Opinion in the Case of Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka

  27. John F. Kennedy
    Inaugural Address

  28. John F. Kennedy
    American University Speech

  29. Martin Luther King
    I Have a Dream

  30. Lyndon B. Johnson
    Civil Rights Statement

  31. Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, Michael Collins
    Address Before the Congress Following the Moon Landing

    Neil Armsstrong Spoke on the Moon

Photo Index ・By contents order・・

The Declaration of Independence
George Mason
homas Jefferson
The Northwest Ordinance
The Constitution of the United States
The Bill of Rights
William Cushing
James Madison
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
James Monroe
Daniel Webster
Andrew Jackson
Carl Schurz
Abraham Lincoln First Inaugural Address
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln Second Inaugural Address
Theodore Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson
Franklin D. Roosevelt
The Atlantic Charter Announcement
Harry Truman
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Earl Warren
John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address
John F. Kennedy
Martin Luther King
The Crewmen of Apollo-11